Environments & Endpoints

Eclipse has a production and sandbox environment which are completely separated. Tenants are encouraged to develop and test against the Sandbox environment which is fully functioning other than the ability to top-up and withdraw with real money. Each environment has its own API endpoint. The IP addresses of both live and sandbox are static so can be safely whitelisted for those wishing to restrict access from servers behind a firewall.

The live IP's are: and (Ireland) and and (If failed over to London)

The sandbox IP's are: and

Eclipse Live Environment:
Eclipse Live Environment

Eclipse Live Health Check:
Eclipse Live Health Check

Eclipse Sandbox Environment:
Sandbox Environment

Eclipse Sandbox Health Check:
Eclipse Sandbox Health Check

The Swagger Reference Guide is available at
Eclipse Rest API

However, see the Postman section for a collection of predefined requests.

Admin Portals:

Tenants can request sandbox credentials in order to try it out.

The Admin Portal uses the Eclipse API’s so it can be a great way to look at the API’s in use and the payloads that are sent/received.

Create Tenants


Create Tenants

Create Customer


Create Customer