Sandbox Testing Accounts

Wallet Withdrawals

Account Numbers:

  • 1201303338
  • 1201304067
  • 1203529694
  • 1452065594
  • 1454045892

Branch code: 198765

Supported Banks
1 - Absa Bank Limited (632005)
2 - African Bank Limited (430000)
3 - Bidvest Bank Limited (462005)
4 - Capitec Bank Limited (470010)
5 - Discovery Bank Limited (679000)
6 - First National Bank (FNB) (250655)
7 - FirstRand Bank (250655)
8 - Grindrod Bank Limited (223626)
9 - Investec Bank Limited (580105)
10 - Merchantile Bank Limited (450105)
11 - Nedbank Limited (198765)
12 - Old Mutual (462005)
13 - Sasfin Bank Limited (683000)
14 - Standard Bank of South Africa (051001)
15 - SA Post Bank (Post Office) (460005)
16 - Tyme Bank (678910)

Withdrawal Response simulation. (Sandbox only)
You can simulate success and error responses for all withdrawal types, kindly follow below steps.

Step 1: Initiate Withdrawal:
Initiate Withdrawal Swagger Reference


Step 2: Simply Call the API below, with Status SUCCESSFUL, ERROR
Initiate Withdrawal Swagger Reference


Wallet Topups

Updated 07 December 2022







Card Number 4242424242424242 with any future expiry date and CVV 123

Top-up Response Simulation. (Sandbox only)
You can simulate success and error responses for all top-up types, kindly follow the below steps.

Step 1: Initiate Top-up:
Top-up Swagger Reference


Step 2: Simply call the API below, with status SUCCESSFUL, ERROR
Top-up Swagger Reference


Masterpass QR Test Cases

In order to test QRCode payments on Sandbox, one can use any Masterpass App (e.g. Vodapay App) and put it into test mode by scanning the following QRCode:


MasterPass QR

Once in test mode, enroll card 500200010001052234 with any PIN, CVV and Expiry and use it to pay Eclipse QRCodes.

Please make sure that you support as many of these use cases as possible.
Masterpass Supported QR Codes for Scan to Pay

MasterPass QR Codes

For Reference on handling QR code use cases, please refer to any Masterpass app in the market, see below how to switch the app to Sandbox environment.
MasterPass SIT Process

Visa QR Test Cases

To test paying a Visa QR in sandbox, the following QR code can be scanned:
TBC: awaiting test QR from Visa (below is a dummy one that can be used to test the scanning / decoding / parsing:


Visa QR

Test Cards for Acquiring

Visa VTS (tokenisable cards)

  • 4895 3799 8701 2927 (exp: 12/22, CVV: 525)
  • 4895 3799 8701 2935 (exp: 12/22, CVV: 862)

Mastercard M4M (tokenisable cards)

  • 2223 0015 0000 0018 (exp: 11/21, CVV: 123)
  • 2223 0015 0000 0026 (exp: 11/21, CVV: 123)

Limitations when testing PTS Cards on Sandbox

The Eclipse sandbox environment is connected to the test PTS environment so any direct API calls to PTS (e.g. topups) will reflect on card wallet balances. However the PTS test environment does not include a connection to ISO card rails - so if card rails are used then the card wallet will not be updated. For example when paying a QR code that is linked to a wallet with a test card in the sandbox environment, the amount will not be debited off the source wallet.

Pay@ Test Cases VAS

Test Account Number for Pay@ Bill payments

Account NumberAmount DueCustomer DetailsBusiness Rules
115981111111111R 90.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 01
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115982222222222R 400.99First Name: Pay@ Test User 02
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115983A3b3C3d3ER 500.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 03
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999988R 500.00First Name: Pay@ QR Link Data
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999989R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Link Data
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999990R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Auth Customer
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999991R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Auth System
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999993R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Auth Delay
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999995R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Auth Timeout
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999992R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Advice Timeout
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999994R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Advice Delay
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999996R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Advice System
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115989999999997R 500.00First Name: Pay@ Auth and Void
Last Name: Any Payment
Any payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115951111111111R 90.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 01
Last Name: Partial Payment
Partial Payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 90.00
115952222222222R 400.99First Name: Pay@ Test User 02
Last Name: Partial Payment
Partial Payment
Min Amount: R 10.00
Max Amount: R 400.99
115971111111111R 90.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 01
Last Name: Multiple Fixed Payment
Multiple Fixed Payment
Min Amount: R 90.00
Max Amount: R 1100.00
115972222222222R 550.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 02
Last Name: Multiple Fixed Payment
Multiple Fixed Payment
Min Amount: R 550.00
Max Amount: R 1100.00
115931111111111R 90.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 01
Last Name: Exact Payment
Exact Payment
Min Amount: R 90.00
Max Amount: R 90.00
115932222222222R 445.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 02
Last Name: Exact Payment
Exact Payment
Min Amount: R 445.00
Max Amount: R 445.00
115961111111111R 90.00First Name: Pay@ Test User 01
Last Name: Additional Payment
Additional Payment
Min Amount: R 90.00
Max Amount: R 1000.00
115962222222222R 400.99First Name: Pay@ Test User 02
Last Name: Additional Payment
Additional Payment
Min Amount: R 400.99
Max Amount: R 1000.00

Testing Kernel in the Cloud (KiC) Visa Acceptance Cloud (VAC) SoftPOS

Ensure the Debug Bank Node is being used, the below mentioned tenant Configuration must be set:

  • When using the Demo App for testing configure the WalletId, TenantId and User Credentials by selecting the Gear in the top right corner
  • Any Credit Card can be used testing, the transactions are processed by the Debug Bank App and will therefore not impact your actual account.
  • Testing ISO errors:
    Pass the amount with the cents defined as the error code you wish to return, R123.ERROR_CODE.
    • R123.55 will return ISO error code 55
    • R123.00 will return success.
    • Sending any other amount will result in normal execution
  • PIN requirements:
    Any amount over R99.99 will require a PIN to be supplied. When testing against Debug Bank App, the PIN verification is disabled therefore any PIN can be used for testing.