Standard Reports

Information about various reports available in the Eclipse admin portal.

By default, each tenant on Eclipse can access one or more of a list of standard reports. A summary of each report is listed below, followed by a detailed description of the fields, mandatory API parameters, and data types included in each report.

Using the Reports API


The Reports API provides a way for tenants to access reports programmatically in CSV, XML or JSON format. Reports are identified via a unique reportId, with parameters depending on the specific report. In all cases, date parameters are identified by 'd#', string parameters are identified by 's#', and numeric parameters are identified by 'n#'. For example, using a start and end date parameters "2021-01-01" and "2021-01-02" would require API parameters d1="2021-01-01" and d2="2021-01-02". Similarly, string parameters "SUCCESS" and "FAILED" would be identified by s1="SUCCESS" and s2="FAILED". An example of calling the reports API is provided below.

Note that when calling reports directly via the API, there is a timeout limit of 15 seconds per report. For longer running reports, please refer to the section Asynchronous Report Delivery.

API Example:

curl --request GET \
     --url '<tenantId/reports/<reportId>?d1=<d1>&s1=<s1>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Report Information

1. Digital Wallet Transaction Detail Report

Description: A ledger of all digital wallet transactions made over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_digital_wallet_transaction_detail


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
transaction_dateThe date and time of the transaction (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
organisation_nameThe name of the tenant organisation through which the transaction was processed (e.g. John's Shoe Store).STRN
organisation_idThe ID of the tenant organisation through which the transaction was processed (e.g. 98765).INTN
wallet_idThe ID of the wallet that initiated the transaction (e.g. 12346).INTN
wallet_nameThe name of the wallet the initiated the transaction (e.g. Sophia's Digital Wallet).STRY
other_wallet_idThe ID of the recipient wallet (e.g. 2385).INTY
transaction_typeThe type of transaction (e.g., tfr.debit)STRN
amountThe amount of the transaction (e.g. 985.53).FLOATN
descriptionA detailed description of the transaction (e.g. Payment for shoe repairs).STRY
locationThe location (IP address) at which the transaction took place (e.g.
external_transaction_idThe external ID of the transaction (e.g. a222235a-5add-11ed).STRY
unit_typeThe unit type of the transaction (e.g. ZAR, BTC)STRY
wallet_closing_balanceThe closing balance of the initiating wallet (e.g. 1003.26).FLOATN
unique_idThe globally unique transaction ID (e.g. CR-SHOEPAYMENT-230498739).STRN

2. Digital Wallet Balance Report

Description: A list of all digital wallets belonging to the tenant, including the current balance of each wallet.

Report ID: Report_digital_wallet_balance


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Balance DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS

*Note: The balance date parameter does not apply to wallets that have never been funded.


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
createdThe date and time at which the wallet was created (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATEN
wallet_idThe unique ID of the wallet (e.g. 12345).INTN
wallet_nameThe name of the wallet (e.g. My Digital Card Wallet).STRY
user_idThe ID of the user that owns the wallet (e.g. 45678).INTY
external_idThe external ID of the wallet (e.g. 1A2B3C).STRN
currencyThe currency of the value stored in the wallet (e.g. ZAR).STRN
wallet_implementation_classThe implementation class of the wallet (e.g. closedLoopSimpleWallet)STRN
wallet_type_nameWallet type name (e.g. System Wallet)STRN
balance_dateThe wallet balance date.
*Note: This is either equal to the wallet's last transaction date OR the wallet's created date if the wallet was never funded.
current_balanceThe current balance of the wallet (e.g. 500.07).FLOATN

3. VAS Sales Report

Description: A ledger of all VAS sales made over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_vas_sales


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
network_providerThe network provider of the transaction.STRY
recipient_numberThe recipient phone number of the transaction.STRN
voucher_idThe unique ID of the voucher.STRN
voucherThe name of the voucher.STRN
payment_idThe ID of the payment.INTN
transaction_dateThe date and time of the transaction.DATENY
gatewayThe gateway through which the transaction was processed.STRN
statusThe status of the transaction.STRN
wallet_history_idThe unique wallet history ID of the transaction.INTN
wallet_idThe unique ID of the wallet (e.g. 12345).INTN
amountThe amount of the transaction.INTN
descriptionA detailed description of the transaction (e.g. Payment for shoe repairs).STRY

4. API Activity Report

Description: A ledger of all Eclipse API calls made by the tenant over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_api_activity


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
event_idThe unique ID of the event.INTN
createdThe date and time at which the event occured (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
tenant_idThe tenant ID through which the event was processed.INTY
event_typeThe type of event.STRN
event_keyThe event key.STRN
unique_idThe globally unique transaction ID (e.g. CR-SHOEPAYMENT-230498739).STRY
dataThe event metadata.STRY

5. P2P Transfer Report

Description: A ledger of all P2P transfers (wallet-to-wallet transfers) made over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_p2p_transfer


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
wallet_history_idThe unique ID of the transaction.INTN
sender_nameThe name of the user who is initiating the transaction.STRY
recipient_nameThe name of the user who is receiving the transaction.STRY
sender_wallet_idThe wallet ID of the user who is initiating the transaction.INTN
sender_wallet_nameThe wallet name of the user who is initiating the transaction.STRY
sender_wallet_descriptionThe wallet description of the user who is initiating the transaction.STRY
recipient_wallet_idThe wallet ID of the user who is receiving the transaction.INTN
recipient_wallet_nameThe wallet name of the user who is receiving the transaction.STRY
recipient_wallet_descriptionThe wallet description of the user who is receiving the transaction.STRY
unique_idThe globally unique transaction ID (e.g. CR-SHOEPAYMENT-230498739).STRY
external_transaction_idThe external ID of the transaction (e.g. a222235a-5add-11ed).STRY
transaction_dateThe date and time at which the wallet was created (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATEYY
descriptionA detailed description of the transaction (e.g. Payment for shoe repairs).STRY
amountThe amount of the transaction.FLOATN
sender_wallet_balanceThe sender wallet's balance after the transaction.FLOATN

6. User Detail Report

Description: A list of all registered users belonging to the tenant.

Report ID: Report_user_detail


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
user_idThe ID of the user that owns the wallet (e.g. 45678).INTY
createdThe date and time at which the user was created (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
first_nameThe first name of the user.STRY
last_nameThe last name of the user.STRY
kyc_statusThe KYC status of the user.INTN
phone_numberThe phone number of the user. (e.g. 0826589712).STRY
emailThe email address number of the user. (e.g. 0826589712).STRY
national_identity_numberThe national ID number of the user.STRY
passport_numberThe passport number of the user.STRY
passport_expiryThe passport expiry date of the user.STRY
asylum_ref_numberThe asylum reference number of the user.STRY
city_of_birthThe user's city of birth.STRY
country_of_birthThe user's country of birth.STRY
external_idThe external ID of the wallet (e.g. 1A2B3C).STRY
genderThe gender of the user.STRY
dobThe user's date of birth.STRY
address_line_1The user's 1st line address.STRY
address_line_2The user's 2nd line address.STRY
address_line_3The user's 3rd line address.STRY

7. Failed Digital Wallet Payments Report

Description: A ledger of all failed digital wallet payments (e.g. EFT, ATM) over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_failed_digital_wallet_payments


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
payment_idThe unique ID of the payment.INTN
statusStatus of the payment.STRN
unique_idThe globally unique transaction ID (e.g. CR-SHOEPAYMENT-230498739).STRN
user_idThe ID of the user that owns the wallet (e.g. 45678).INTY
wallet_idThe unique ID of the wallet (e.g. 12345).INTY
amountThe payment amount.FLOATY
feeThe fee charged for the payment.FLOATY
createdThe date and time at which the failed transaction occured (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
payment_typeThe type of payment.STRY
gateway_statusThe third-party gateway status of the payment.STRY
gatewayThe third-party gateway name.STRN
gateway_transaction_idThe third-party gateway transaction ID.STRY
currencyThe currency of the store of value of the wallet (e.g. ZAR).STRY
merchant_idThe ID of the merchant who received the payment.STRY
merchant_nameThe name of the merchant who received the payment.STRY
descriptionA detailed description of the transaction (e.g. Payment for shoe repairs).STRY
error_descriptionDetailed error description.STRY
payment_referenceThe payment reference.STRY
bank_nameThe payer's bank name.STRY
bank_accountThe payer's bank account number.STRY
other_wallet_idThe wallet ID of the payment recipient.INTY
card_last_4The last 4 digits of the card used to make the payment.STRY
bank_responseThe payment bank response.STRY
gateway_stateThe third-party gateway state.STRY

8. Failed Digital Wallet Withdrawals Report

Description: A ledger of all failed digital wallet withdrawals (e.g. EFT, ATM) over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_failed_digital_wallet_withdrawals


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
withdrawal_idThe unique ID of the withdrawal transaction.INTN
withdrawal_typeThe type of withdrawal (e.g. EFT, ATM)STRY
createdThe date and time at which the failed withdrawal occured (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
statusThe status of the withdrawal.STRN
unique_idThe globally unique transaction ID (e.g. CR-SHOEPAYMENT-230498739).STRN
user_idThe ID of the user that owns the wallet (e.g. 45678).INTY
wallet_idThe unique ID of the wallet (e.g. 12345).INTY
amountThe withdrawal amount.INTN
feeThe fee charged for the transaction.INTY
currencyThe currency of the store of value of the wallet (e.g. ZAR).STRN
gatewayThe third-party gateway name.STRN
gateway_transaction_idThe third-party gateway transaction ID.STRY
gateway_stateThe third-party gateway state.STRY
descriptionA detailed description of the transaction (e.g. Withdrawing monthly salary).STRY

9. KYC Failures Report

Description: A list of all users who have failed to complete registration as a result of failed or incomplete KYC checks. Includes a detailed view of each KYC check type in terms of whether the check was done and whether the check was passed.

Report ID: Report_kyc_failures


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
user_idThe Eclipse ID of the user (e.g. 45678).INTN
user_nameThe first and last name(s) of the user.STRY
user_createdThe date and time at which the user was created (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATENY
kyc_dateThe date and time at which the KYC attempt occured (e.g. 2020-01-01 10:00:00).DATEN
result_dataThe KYC result metadata.STRY

10. QR Code Status Report

Description: A list of all QR codes belonging to the tenant, the wallets that they are mapped to, and the current status of each code (ACTIVE or CANCELLED).

Report ID: Report_qr_code_status

Parameters: None


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
wallet_idThe wallet ID that the QR code is mapped to.INTN
created_dateThe date that the QR code was created.DATEN
qr_codeThe QR code string.STRN
statusThe current status of the QR code.STRN

11. Tenant Program Summary Report

Description: A current snapshot of the tenant program in terms of user registrations, verifications, active users, issued wallets, and transaction volumes.

Report ID: Report_tenant_program_summary

Parameters: None


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
MetricA key performance metric (E.g. Total Registered Users)STRN
TotalThe current value of the metric.INTN

12. Digital Wallet Fees Summary Report

Description: A summary of digital wallet transaction fees earned over a specified period.

Report ID: Report_digital_wallet_fees_summary


API ParametersDescriptionTypeFormat
d1Start DateSTRYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
wallet_nameThe name of the system wallet that is credited with fees (e.g. Monthly Fees).STRN
wallet_idThe Eclipse ID of the wallet (e.g. 12345).INTN
service_codeThe transaction type (e.g.
valueThe value of fees earned over the specified period.FLOATN
volumeThe volume of fee transactions over the specified period.INTN

13. MCQR Code Status Report

Description: Provides the status of each MCQR code registered on the tenant program.

Report ID: Report_mcqr_status

Parameters: None


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
wallet_idThe wallet ID that the MCQR code is mapped to.INTN
qr_codeThe MCQR code.STRN
service_identitfier_typeAlways "QRCode".STRN
statusThe status of the code (either "Active" or "Cancelled").STRN

14. Dormant Users Report

Description: A list of all users who either registered over 6 months ago and never transacted, or have not transacted in the last 6 months.

Report ID: Report_user_dormancy

Parameters: None


Field NameDescriptionData TypeNullableParameter
user_idThe user's unique identifier in the Eclipse system.INTN
Dormancy ReasonThe reason that the user has been classified as dormant.STRN
Last SeenThe date the user was last active on the system.DATEN